Hey everyone! I recently moved into a contemporary-styled apartment, and I'm struggling to select furniture that complements the aesthetic. I'm mainly focusing on the living room right now. Any suggestions for furniture styles or pieces that might fit a modern vibe?
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Need advice on furnishing a modern space
Need advice on furnishing a modern space
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I understand you, I also like some minimalism in the interior, it is what is in trend now. And during the renovation, the thing that took me the longest to choose was the bed. Yes, because in addition to design, its argonomic properties are very important. In the end, my choice fell on the australian made bed. I’m happy, because sleep is important to me, because I sleep like a princess)), any inconvenience can ruin everything.
Absolutely! For a modern touch in your contemporary-styled apartment, consider contemporary TV stands. They offer sleek designs and clean lines that complement the modern aesthetic perfectly. Opt for minimalist designs with high-gloss finishes or natural wood tones to enhance the overall look. These stands not only provide functionality but also add a stylish focal point to your living room. Happy decorating!
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Je tu spousta lidí, kteří vědí o kování. Potřebuji vyměnit plynové uzávěry v kuchyňských skříňkách. Nemám žádné nářadí ani znalosti, jak to udělat. Je tu někdo, kdo by mi poradil nebo doporučil někoho, kdo to zvládne sám? Manželka mě s tím otravuje už dva týdny. Za dobrou radu budu vděčný celý život!
Ano. Nyní často volají řemeslníci pro instalatérské služby. Stává se tak i v nových bytech, že něco uniká. Nebo opravdu noví majitelé chtějí vyměnit kohoutky, záchod, trubky za modernější. A zde je velmi důležité najít spolehlivého instalatéra. Pokud chcete zavolat profesionálního instalatéra, doporučuji použít služby instalatéra údaje průvodce provede instalatérskou práci jakékoli složitosti rychle a spolehlivě.
Tady jsem, hledám dobrý ocelový stůl do restaurační kuchyně. Jeden mám, ale stal se nedostatkovým a rozhodl jsem se předělat prostor pro přípravu jídla. Potřebuji také dobrého instalatéra, který by vyměnil a vylepšil vodovodní potrubí. Mám v plánu kuchyň kompletně zrekonstruovat. Může mi někdo poradit, kde v Praze najdu dobré instalatérské služby?
Je to prostě úžasná událost. V novém bytě je třeba vše vybavit novým a samozřejmě koupit nový nábytek. Když jsme kupovali nový byt, nejprve jsme měnili instalatérské prvky. Dali jsme novější sprchu a krásnější kohoutky. Musel jsem dokonce zavolat mistra.
I just recently received a customized steel table from https://slkitchenequipments.com/. I needed the table for my restaurant. I have very little space in my kitchen and standard tables from well-known manufacturers were not suitable for me. How cool that I found this manufacturer and he went out of his way to meet me. I got the best table that fit perfectly in my kitchen. I highly recommend this manufacturer!
I am looking for a reliable manufacturer of steel tables with the possibility of custom ordering. Has anyone ordered a personalized table? What experience do you have in this matter?
Absolutely! A large wall space in a modern living room furniture offers a great opportunity for a statement art piece, a gallery wall with monochromatic frames, or even a minimalist wall-mounted shelf. If you're into technology, you could also consider a sleek wall-mounted TV or a projector setup. Just ensure that whatever you choose doesn't clutter the space and retains that crisp, modern look.
Thanks for the advice! I also have a rather large wall space. Any ideas on how I could make it more lively without deviating from the modern theme?
Congrats on your new apartment! For a modern living room, you might want to consider minimalistic furniture with clean lines and neutral colors. Think about sofas with sleek designs, glass coffee tables, and geometric-shaped shelves. Incorporating materials like metal, glass, or glossy finishes can also enhance the contemporary feel. Have fun decorating!